Dr. 艾米·索普卡·约瑟夫


(570) 408-4221

  • PhD in History, University of Connecticut
  • Graduate Certificate in College Instruction, University of Connecticut
  • MA in History, University of Connecticut
  • BA in English and History, Dickinson College, 以优等成绩毕业者

Amy Sopcak-Joseph is a historian of early American social, cultural, and economic history with interests in women’s and 性别的历史 as well as the history of the 书. Her research examines the business and politics of culture to better understand how media responds to and shapes gendered and racialized systems of power and identity. Her dissertation, “Fashioning American Women: 高迪女士的书, Female Consumers, and Nineteenth-Century Periodical Publishing,” was awarded the Zuckerman Prize in American Studies. Dr. Sopcak-Joseph is currently revising her dissertation into a 书 that traces changes in content, material text, product identity, and business practices of the monthly magazine, the 女士的书, from its founding in 1830 to the 1877 retirements of its publisher Louis A. 殖民地 编辑莎拉·约瑟夫·黑尔.

Dr. Sopcak-Joseph also has experience as a public historian. 作为教育协调员 at the American Antiquarian Society in Worcester, MA, she coordinated three 教学 美国历史补助金. These large federal grants provided professional development K-12教师. She collaborated with archivists, museum professionals, and history professors to develop teacher workshops as well as public programming.

Dr. Amy Sopcak-Joseph is an American historian focusing on early American social, cultural and economic history, especially the history of the 书 and women’s and 性别的历史. In 2020, her dissertation, “Fashioning American Women: 高迪女士的书, Female Consumers, and Periodical Publishing 在19世纪,” was awarded the prestigious Zuckerman Prize in American Studies by the McNeil Center for Early America Studies at the University of Pennsylvania.

在获得博士学位之前. at the University of Connecticut, she worked as a public history professional at the American Antiquarian Society in Worcester, MA, making her a tremendous resource for students interested in public history and digital history. In her classes, she has led trips to the Luzerne County Historical Society and organized students in the creation of a “Wilkes in 2020” collection, to document the life of the campus community during the COVID-19 pandemic.

She also facilitates opportunities for students outside the classroom, receiving a grant for the “History 研究 Lab,” mentoring students in primary source research 整个夏天. Her advisees have also taken advantage of opportunities in digital history, recent projects include digitizing Wilkes’ year书s from 1947-2019 外部网站.

Dr. Sopcak-Joseph offers a range of courses for majors and non-majors, including:

  • 美国历史1(概览)
  • 殖民时期的美国
  • 新国家
  • History and Memory of the American Civil War
  • 美国妇女历史
  • 公共历史概论
  • Historical Foundations of the Modern World (survey)


“Reconstructing and Gendering the Distribution Networks of 高迪女士的书 在19世纪,” 书的历史 22 (2019): 161-195.

  • 接收方的 an Honorable Mention, 研究 Society for American Periodicals’ 2018-2019 文章获奖比赛
  • 接收方的 书的历史’s 2019 Graduate Student Essay Prize


U.S. 流行印刷文化至1860年,卷. 5 of The Oxford History of Popular Print Culture, Ronald J. Zboray and Mary Saracino Zboray, in 早期共和国杂志 (冬季2020):763-767.

In the Neighborhood: Women’s Publication in Early America卡罗琳·威金顿(Caroline Wigginton)著 敏锐的新闻, http://www.sharpweb.org/sharpnews/2018/05/11/caroline-wigginton-in-the-neighborhood-womens-publication-in-early-america 外部网站.


“Following the Fashions: A Basic American Pastime,” The Junto: A Group Blog on Early American History2018年9月14日 http://earlyamericanists.com/2018/09/14/following-the-fashions-a-basic-american-pastime 外部网站.
  • Summer Mentorship Grant, 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜, 2021
  • Zuckerman Prize in American Studies, McNeil Center for Early American Studies at the University of Pennsylvania, 2020
  • Draper Dissertation Fellowship, University of Connecticut Humanities Institute, 2018-2019
  • Dissertation Fellowship, Program in Early American Economy and Society at the 图书馆 费城公司,2017
  • Short-Term Fellowship, Winterthur Museum, Garden, and 图书馆, 2017
  • 研究 Grant, New England Regional Fellowship Consortium, 2015-2016
  • Jay and Deborah Last Fellowship, American Antiquarian Society, 2015
  • Reese Award in American Bibliography and the History of the Book in the Americas, Virginia Historical Society, 2015
  • Short-Term Fellowship, Frances S. Summersell Center for the Study of the South and the University of Alabama Libraries, 2015
  • 安德鲁·W. Mellon Foundation Short-Term Fellowship, 图书馆 Company of Philadelphia, 2015
  • Directors’ Scholarship, Rare Book School, 2012