Digital Millennium Copyright Act

Digital Millennium Copyright Act

Why? Because it's against the law. However, many people do not have the same attitude 从网上免费下载音乐或电影. The simple fact is that stealing is stealing; regardless of whether it is done physically or virtually.

1998年的《推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜》(DMCA)是一项联邦法律 保护版权所有者免受网络盗窃,即非法复制 or distribution of their works. The DMCA covers music, movies, text and anything that is copyrighted. 更重要的是,法律牵涉到你,因为这是个好机会 you might be breaking the law, even if you are not aware that you are.

如果你下载了受版权保护的文件而没有付费,那么 simply, you have broken the law. If you have burned music which you have downloaded to a CD to give to your friends, then you have broken the law. If you've downloaded 在你的电脑上看一部电影,那么(你猜对了)你就触犯了法律.

DMCA Violations
You could violate federal copyright law if: 

  • 有人用电子邮件把有版权的材料发给你,然后你把它转发给 more friends.
  • 您从购买的CD中制作歌曲的MP3副本(购买者是明确的) 允许这样做),但随后在互联网上提供MP3文件 using a file-sharing network.
  • 你加入了一个文件共享网络,下载了未经授权的版权材料副本 you want from the computers of other network members.
  • 获取其他网络成员计算机上受版权保护的资料; 你支付一笔费用加入一个没有授权分发的文件共享网络 or make copies of the copyrighted material. You then download unauthorized material.
  • You transfer copyrighted material using an instant messaging service.
  • 你有一台带有CD刻录机的电脑,你可以用它来刻录音乐 downloaded onto writable CDs which you then distribute to your friends.

这是一个简单的经验法则,可以帮助您确定哪些材料受版权保护 如果你通常会付钱,那么它可能是受保护的. 如果是电影院的电影,DVD或磁带,那么它可能是受保护的. 如果这是一首收音机里的歌,或者你会在音像店买到的歌,那就买吧 is probably protected.

DMCA at Wilkes
如果你正在使用推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜网络(WilkesNet),大学是你注册的互联网 Service Provider (ISP). The DMCA requires ISPs to take down or block access to copyrighted 材料在及时通知订阅者时共享版权 files across their network.

投诉直接来自软件、音乐和电影协会, 版权所有者和律师事务所,他们都有员工,他们的唯一工作就是搜索 for copyrighted material on networks, servers and machines. 

Wilkes DMCA Response Policy

在可接受使用政策的支持下,使用大学资源,包括 整个推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜网络(WilkesNet),大学拥有的计算机,大学提供 在线存储(如万维网托管)和大学互联网目录, 禁止以非法传播受版权保护的作品为目的.

在收到合法提交的通知后,根据《推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜》第512条的定义 千年版权法案(DMCA)、信息技术服务(ITS)将立即采取行动 遵守DMCA对互联网服务提供商的安全港规定. These 行动应统称为“合规措施”,可包括 any of the following:

  • 禁止从被引用的计算机访问推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜网络(推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜网).
  • Disabling access to any Web site(s) or online storage space(s) cited.
  • 删除任何目录列表,如网络链接,涉嫌侵权 works.
  • 任何其他必要的行动,以“阻止或禁止访问据称。 infringing works" as required under the DMCA Section 512.

在制定“合规措施”后,ITS将确定被指控的来源 并采取适当措施,确保违法行为不再继续.

When a DMCA Complaint Is Received
当收到投诉时,智能交通系统会追踪侵权地点,然后 disables network access for that location or device. ITS then attempts to identify the owner and inform him or her of the reason for this action. The owner is given the opportunity to refute or admit to the infringement. Violators are instructed to 停止共享所有受版权保护的材料,并对该行为发出警告 is a violation of the AUP for computing (as well as federal law). For student violation student affairs are notified. For faculty and staff violations are referred to deans, department heads and/or department chairs.

Legal Repercussions for DMCA Violation
除了大学的处罚外,违反DMCA可能会带来严重的民事和刑事处罚 penalties. For example, civil penalties include damages and legal fees. The minimum fine is $750 per downloaded file. Criminal penalties, even for first-time offenders, can be stiff: up to $250,000 in fines and five years in prison. Unless served with 根据DMCA要求的传票,大学不会公布姓名 (或有关订户的任何个人信息)在服务DMCA的过程中 notice.

File-Sharing Programs: A Frequent Culprit in DMCA Violations
在ITS处理的许多案件中,违规者声称自己没有意识到 分发(与下载相反,下载也是非法的)有版权的作品 across the Wilkes network. This is due to the design of file-sharing programs such as Kazaa, BitTorrent and others.

当第一次安装在桌面上时,这些点对点程序通常会打开“共享” points" on the user's computer. These share points allow anyone else on the file-sharing network to download files from your computer. If you are using any of these programs, 您可以配置它们,使您的文件是私有的,不能被其他人访问 individuals on the network. 

The Bottom Line

推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的教职员工和学生可以使用各种各样的技术. Most of us could not do our work or complete our education without it. However, the fact 某种技术的存在并不意味着使用它是合乎道德的 in anything other than the intended manner. File-sharing programs, DVD-copying programs 这样可以让你做很多事情,但是用它们来分发版权 你不拥有的材料是非法的,是对大学资源的不当使用.

DMCA旨在保护艺术家免受所有人都同意的事情的侵害 wrong - theft. What it boils down to is this: If you make or distribute unauthorized 复制受版权保护的材料,你违反了联邦法律,可能会面临严重的后果 civil or criminal penalties if/when caught. If you have copyrighted material on your 如果需要帮助,请拨打帮助台1-866-264-1462.